segunda-feira, 10 de outubro de 2016

Dollars from home on Internet.

To start my blog, I would like to initiate a serie of posts about ways to earn money on Internet.Most of normal people is stuck at home most of the day - maybe because they don't have a job, or they're older (or younger) to find one. However, don't you know that many families are supported by money earned from home? Yeah, and you can make thousand of dollars from your bedroom,on Internet.
                                         Resultado de imagem para money
Of course, it's challenging. You can go in the wrong way. But you have to try it, - it is possible to earn money online, but the real ways to real make money are not "get rich quick" schemes. In fact, there are millions of blogs talking about it. Unfortunately, most of posts are about "easy" ways to earn money. And those ways will never be correct.

So, a good way, to really earn a good money is visiting websites that pay for a lot of things, like taking surveys, using they search engine, testing some o their apps and other things. You will not become rich, but you may make some good extra money. Links:
                                              Resultado de imagem para bom negocio
Of course, you can also earn money by selling your stuffs on Internet. To get start, create an account on PayPal. It's the standard in online business for receiving payment and paying others. Also, take nice pictures of your product, be honest and be plain and simple. Try it on:
Amazon, Craigslist, eBay, Etsy, Facebook.

                                        Resultado de imagem para PaypAL
And, finally, my favorite way: Blogging. It requires patience. Be persistent, and you may earn some good money. Once you become familiar with your, you can monetize it. The primary ways to monetize it is by advertising, affiliates, offering services and selling your own products. But, I will write about it in the next post.

See ya!

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